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Decisions based on Analytics and Quantum Computing

Partnership Q4 and Latin America Qantum Computing Center

360-Degree Vision in your Business

We are a family owned and operated business.

"Impact your industry using strategic information, such as: prices, geographic points for investment, expansion, M&A, market share and smart dossiers generated by artificial and collective intelligence ."

Marcos Santos "CEO Aquarela Strategy"

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Incredible speed.
Impeccable Reliability.

Q4, Atos and SENAI CIMATEC, one of the main institutes of education, research and innovation in Brazil, together with ACATE (Catarinense Association of Technologies), announced the first Center of Excellence in Quantum Computing in Brazil dedicated to the business sector.

We are a family owned and operated business.

Located in Salvador, Bahia, the Latin America Quantum Computing Center (LAQCC) and QuCenter, in which Q4 together with Quantum (SC) and the innovation ecosystem of Sapiens Parque and ACATE, aims to promote the adoption of quantum technologies , offer training to form a specialized local workforce and stimulate scientific research in the most diverse areas, such as health, agribusiness and the financial market,.

LAQCC and QuCenter will enable business users to build technology roadmaps and conduct impact studies, algorithm investigations and applied research projects.

We are a family owned and operated business.

SENAI CIMATEC will be the first institution focused on Quantum Computing Technology in Bahia and one of the few nationwide. Our partnership with Atos and ACATE, positions us as a new player in the scientific and technological development of the disruptive branch of Quantum Computing.

We are a family owned and operated business.

The Center of Excellence will host the first Atos Quantum Learning Machine in Brazil (Atos QLM), the most powerful quantum simulator in the world. Named CIMATEC KUATOMU, Atos QLM will take advantage of the classic supercomputing hardware to simulate quantum systems and algorithms of up to 35 qubits.

The Center will focus on exploring the different applications of quantum computing and their integration with High Performance Computing (HPC technologies), in line with Atos' ambition to launch a quantum accelerator by 2023.

We are a family owned and operated business.

The QuCENTER of Florianópolis, will develop projects in the area of ​​training of human resources, finance and health.

Q4 indicators


Years of Experience






Parents in the Latin Region


We are a family owned and operated business.

Industry Awards


A successful Analytics strategy starts with understanding

of the factors that impact on the efficient management of the process,

in a structured and agile way. Adopt tools and methods

that contribute to the complete and synthesized management of

process, in line with the challenges of Industry 4.0, impact on the consistent evolution of the maturity of business data analysis.

We are a family owned and operated business.


We are a family owned and operated business.

We are a family owned and operated business.

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